Thursday, December 26, 2019
Analysis Of The Locker Room By Bob Goldman, Patricia Bush,...
Many athletes are particularly trusting with regards to performance enhancers because many of them are eager to be the best in their respective sport. At the professional level, where athletes are expected to perform at high levels, many who are desperate to keep their jobs will do whatever they can to match the standard. In their book Death in the Locker Room, authors Bob Goldman, Patricia Bush, and Ronald Klatz discuss this immense pressure athletes feel to use PEDs. The authors explain how players often place this pressure on themselves because of an overwhelming desire to become famous, adored athletes. To investigate this urge, Goldman and his colleagues performed a study on 198 elite athletes, where the authors asked the athletes if they would take a drug that would give them unlimited athletic success for the next five years, but would kill them five years after that time. Shockingly, over half of the athletes admitted that they would. Goldman and his team’s findings showed that these athletes feel a practically overwhelming desire for success to the point that they would face an early death in order to secure their becoming glorious heroes. If the MLB were to allow athletes such as these access to any drug that were available, the consequences would be detrimental. Many professional baseball players, maybe as many as half, would take any and every drug despite all of the health risks and warnings just for short-lived fame. Goldman and his colleagues also
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Small Business Marketing Strategy - 1399 Words
Small Business Marketing Strategy Small Business Marketing Strategy Introduction Electronic resources comprising electronic marketing have continually shown how business men respond to the ever changing market situations through the provision of various resources and tools with which to run and manage marketing activities. There has been an emphasis on attributes of the soul electronic technologies e.g. SMS marketing (Doyle 2001; Griffiths 2003), M-Marketing (Barwise and Strong 2002) and Internet marketing. A summary definition encompassing the mentioned characteristics of electronic marketing refers to the process of facilitating marketing by applying electronic appliances, techniques, devices, tools, systems and technologies (Peterson 1997). Business Marketing Strategy Promotion and Design Marketing Strategies The advertising strategies of the organization should be made impacting to the market by increasing product demand which follows desirable designs. Well structured promotion will certainly increase the market price of the electronic products in the small business. Brand promotion can just but increase demand but cannot create it. Tasks associated with promotion are mainly: brand development, creating product image as well as brand loyalty. Marketing is all about advertising, which involves a cluster of activities whose objectives are to inform the user or customer through elements such as visual, audio and audio visual messages. This allows customers toShow MoreRelatedSmall Business Marketing Stradegy1639 Words  | 7 PagesSmall-Business Marketing Strategy Ricky Branch Strayer University BUS330 Prof. Beverly Williams 11 August 2012 Small-Business Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy in a Small Business A small business is one that mainly has an independent ownership and operation. Its operation is organized for profit and has no dominant field. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Nursing Practice Developing Practical Nursing Skill
Question: Discuss about theNursing Practice for Developing Practical Nursing Skill. Answer: Introduction: What: I arrived on the ward at around 8.00 a.m. and I usually start my day with assisting the patients with their morning session daily activities. While assisting in daily activities, one of the patients, I came across was Mr. A. He was admitted to the hospital for the management of the neuropathic pain. I was asking Mr. A about his toilet use and whether he needs assistance. He became angry on me and started shouting at me and my colleague. He was wishing to meet his son. He was arguing that, hospital people are keeping him away from his son. However we know that his son died 2 years ago in a train accident. It has been well established that people with dementia has good memory of the past (Jacques Jackson 2000). Even though in the current situation it is not a reality, they feel or realize past facts and demand for past fact. Even though it was uneasy situation for me, I kept cool and tried to convince him and made him realize that his wish is not reality now. I was fortunate tha t situation got resolved and Mr. A became calm and he was ready to take assistance for toilet use. So What: I had mixed feelings in that incidence and I was confused about my words. Whether I said anything wrong to him. I felt awkward at that time and was upset with myself. Because, I was feeling, I disturbed a stable patient and due to me only, he became agitated. I also felt that other patients in the ward got disturbed due to this incidence and other patients thought I did something wrong with Mr.A. At the same I became sad because, I forced Mr. A to memories his expired son. Even though, I was afraid in that condition, I kept myself calm and handled situation to make him calm. Ethics and professional practice in nursing mentioned about not to unrestrained patient (Roberts and Dyer, 2004). Now my feeling is very satisfied and I feel happy that I did good job to handle the situation. I also got the confidence that I can handle such situations in the future also. My feelings are completely different from the feelings at the time of incidence. At the time of incidence, I was afraid and confused, but now I am confident and satisfied. Overall effect of my action was positive. I understand that Mr. A has dementia problem so that I can take care of him in that direction. Also, Mr. A went to toilet and completed his routine daily activities. This is important in nursing practice to complete patients daily activities in smooth and comfortable manner (Baillie, 2005). This helps in making patient stable. Positive outcome of the incidence is that, I followed ethical and professional practices in the adverse conditions. This is very important in nursing practice to follow these practices in adverse conditions (Grace, 2013). Negative impact of this incidence on me is that I got abus ed from the patient, for whom I was taking so much care for his well-being. For me this situation was very good learning and it gave me opportunity to evaluate my behavior in difficult situations. I realized that these practices, I cant learn from classrooms or textbooks. Experience and handling real time case like Mr. A case can teach to handle such situations. I realized that my effective communication, holistic approach for patient care and positive attitude towards patients condition, helped me to handle this incident to produce positive outcome form this incident (Thresyamma, 2005). Even tough, I was handling this condition independently for the first time, I learned and grasped skills and aptitude to handle such situations from my mentor. I observed him handling such situations in couple of instances. Few people may have different feeling as compared to me in that situation. I handled that situation in more democratic way. I understood his state of mind and took him in confide nce and made him calm. However, few people may have different view and approach on this situation. They might handle this condition in more autocratic manner and giving only orders to complete the daily activities. This type of approach might have led to negative consequence and Mr. A might got more irritated and that might be trouble for all the people in the ward. In handling this situation other nurse and ward boy helped me. They helped me in assisting him physically to take to the toilet and two other senior members in the ward to calm down him. I felt troubled in facing Mr. A next time because, he may not like my assistance because he had bad experience with me. However, due to his dementia, he forgot that incidence and that gave me moral boost to provide nursing practice to him. It is evident that patients having dementia can have such behavior in few instances. In such instances, these patients become more agitated and emotionally disturbed. In reality, these patients dont wi sh to harm or hurt anybody physically, emotionally and psychotically (Adams and Gardiner, 2005). However, this occurs due to lack of control on themselves. Being a nurse, I know this fact and knowledge of this fact helped me take quick decisions about Mr. A and this make sense to respond to his aggressive reactive reaction. Now what: I learned that effective communication with the dementia patients is very important because these patients forget very easily and they are unaware of actual reality. If I would not have done anything for Mr. A, he might have got more irritated and his daily activities might have got disturbed and this might led to more psychological and biological problems in Mr. A. I could have prevented this incidence from happening. It is evident that patients are more cooperative and understands more, if they are provided with person centered care. In this person centered care there is good reputation between patient and nurses (Colomer and de Vries, 2016). It is well established that communication with dementia patient is very difficult task for nurse. However, person centered care would help to have good communication among them and it helps to avoid such aggressive behavior of the patient. Next time, I will focus on person centered care in such patients. This incident also helped me to identify gaps in my mental and psychological knowledge and definitely I will look into it and bridge this gap by acquiring more knowledge and experience (Jensen and Inker, 2015). So that, I can handle such situations more effectively. For improving this knowledge I should discuss with my seniors about their experiences. After getting positive outcome in this case, I got more confidence and moral boost in my nursing practice. As a result, in future I will take more challenges in clinical setting and handle these cases effectively by implementing my knowledge, skills, techniques and experience. References: Adams, T., and Gardiner, P. (2005). Communication and interaction within dementia care triads Developing a theory for relationship-centred care. Dementia, 4(2), pp. 185-205. Baillie, L. (2005) Developing Practical Nursing Skills .London: Hodder Arnold. Colomer, J. and de Vries, J. (2016). Person-centred dementia care: a reality check in two nursing homes in Ireland. Dementia, 15(5), pp. 1158-1170. Grace, P.J. (2013). Nursing Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Advanced Practice. (2nd ed.). Jones Bartlett Learning. Jensen, C.J. and Inker, J. (2015). Strengthening the Dementia Care Triad Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Linking to Resources. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 30(3), pp. 268-275. Jacques, A and Jackson, G (2000) Understanding Dementia. London: Churchill Livingstone Roberts, T. G., Dyer, J. E. (2004). Student teacher perceptions of the characteristics of effective cooperating teachers: A delphi study. Proceedings of the 2004 Southern Agricultural Education Research Conference, pp. 180-192. Thresyamma, C.P. (2005). Fundamentals of Nursing. Procedure Manual for General Nursing and Midwifery Course. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Gentrification Theory Ruth Glass Essay Example For Students
The Gentrification Theory: Ruth Glass Essay The Gentrification Theory: A Brief Description.Since Ruth Glass first coined the term back in 1964, in order to explain the forced displacement of low-income groups from the inner city areas (Lees, 2008), gentrification has been one of the most popular theories discussed among social and urban specialists.The initial hypothesis states that gentrification is a process lead by middle to high-income people, generally represented under the tags of young families with managerial jobs, real estate investment firms, or the rise of the cognitive-cultural entrepreneur class (Scott, 2008). It starts with the partial integration of these groups in lower- income inner-city neighbourhoods. We will write a custom essay on The Gentrification Theory: Ruth Glass specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The settlement of these higher income classes, attracted to live in these urban enclaves, triggers the shift of local communities’ social structures. Hence, as a result of a constant rise of the prices that affect the people’s rents and the commercial services in the surroundings, the original residents are forced to leave their own homes.In summary, gentrification is a process that fosters social displacement (Lees, 2008), which is perceivable in the change of the neighbourhood environment aesthetics, encompassed and justified by speeches of urban renewal or the rebirth of the old inner city.However, tracing the roots of gentrification is not a standard process, as the phenomenon’s characteristics may differ according to the context where the theory is applied. It involves complex social relationships, cultural shifts, and global economy pressures that are shaped in diverse forms throughout the city’s landscape, among other factors. These may be some of the main reasons why gentrification studies have been generally carried out under the lo. .he number of people belonging to middle and high income classes, since these groups compose an important part of the agents of gentrification. Nonetheless, other institutions and catalysts as banks and policy implementation, which may empower these new emergent classes and the acquisition of houses in the inner-city neighbourhoods, are also considered to be agents of gentrification.Works Cited†¢ Gerring, J. (2001). Social science methodology: A criterial framework. Cambridge University Press.†¢ Inzulza-Contardo, J. (2012). ‘Latino gentrification’?: focusing on physical and socioeconomic patterns of change in Latin American inner cities. Urban Studies, 49(10), 2085-2107. †¢ Lees, L., Slater, T., Wyly, E. (2008). Gentrification. Routledge. †¢ Allen Scott (2008), Social Economy of the Metropolis; Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism and the Global Resurgence of Cities.
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